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HomeRandom | Nusle Bridge, Prague  

Prague Castle from Vysehrad

Thursday, May 23, 2013
📷 May 20, 2013
 Zoom InNewer | Rolling Clouds over NusleOlder | Strossmayer Square, Prague
What a great view over the roofs of Prague towards Petrin and Prague Castle! I've been waiting for such a great weather for some time to begin a new season of time-lapse videos. I took this one from Vysehrad during my lunchtime as I'm lucky enough to work nearby.
2018/02/28 | Mavic Air Test Flight, Prague2018/01/01 | New Year's Eve fireworks 20182017/10/28 | Vltava 2017, Prague Autumn2014/03/26 | Prague Main Railway Station2013/06/14 | At the Construction Site2013/06/09 | Prague Waiting for Floods to Arrive2013/06/08 | Rolling Clouds over Nusle2013/05/23 | Prague Castle from Vysehrad2012/06/02 | Strossmayer Square, Prague2012/06/01 | Nusle Valley, Prague2012/05/30 | Nusle Bridge, Prague2012/05/27 | Ghost Station PRAHA - BUBNY2012/04/23 | Running Clouds over Prague2011/10/02 | Nikon D7000 Video Test (Raw, HD)2010/08/28 | Cruise on the Vltava River